Gathered Greens Bouquet

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SKU: NA31880502313024 Category:

The gorgeous gathered look of this artificial flowers bouquet is a wonderful way to bring the outdoors in and add a natural feel to your home. The wild grass, willow stems, eucalyptus and fern spray look as though they have been freshly-picked from a meadow and are complemented by the texture of our dried green hydrangea and ranunculus spray. This gorgeous neutral bouquet is incredibly versatile and will suit a variety of interiors.Height approx 80cmIncludes:Green Hydrangea –  2Green Nettle Leaf –  2Green Short Eucalyptus – 2Green Lambs Leaf – 2Green Fern – 2Green Viburnum – 2Green Tall Eucalyptus – 2Green Grass Spray – 1Brown Pussy Willow – 2Green Ficus Leaf – 2Green Ranunculus – 1 

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