Fulham Timber – Exterior Grade MDF 2440x1220x12mm
Description Applications: Medite Exterior (EN 622-H2) is used as a substitute for softwood, hardwood, plywood, plastic and metal in non-stressed applications. It can be used for a wide range of external applications including: external signs, shop fronts and external woodwork including fascia’s, exterior mouldings, door parts – raised and fielded panels, garden furniture components, exterior display stands, marine craft interiors and sports score boards. Specifications: Medite Exterior is an MDF panel developed specifically for use in a wide range of external applications in accordance with MDF-H2 as defined in EN 622 part 5 and gives all the design freedom of Standard MDF. Medite Exterior is available in a range of panel sizes and thicknesses. Other thicknesses and panel sizes available by special request. Developed at Medite’s world class MDF facility in Clonmel, Medite Exterior broadens the range of the Medite family of high performance MDF products. Fulham Timber – Exterior Grade MDF 2440x1220x12mm