Ciro Multi-Color LED Dash Accent – Rick Rak
2014-up Harley-Davidson Touring models with Batwing style fairing (except CVO models)
Electra Glide FLHT
Ultra Classic FLHTCU
Ultra Classic Low FLHTCUL
Ultra Limited FLHTK
Ultra Limited Low FLHTKL
Street Glide FLHX
Can be used with SHOCK & AWE rotary controller 42000 or SHOCK & AWE 2.0 Controller kit 41035.
If installing any of the controllers next to the rider seat you will need 41028 and 41024 to complete the installation.
All chrome/black fairing accessories can be wired together to get the same colors.
If used with Ciro SHOCK & AWE® Bluetooth controller you can have the fairing accessories on one channel and your bike LED’s on another channel giving you MILLIONS OF OPTIONS for color, brightness and functions.