Blanco Filtra Compatible Replacement Water Filter Cartridge
Replacement Water Filter Cartridges Your Perfect Replacement Solution for Blanco This top quality filter will replace any water filter cartridge types that are 9 and three quarter inches length x 3 inches or less diameter, including the Blanco Filtra Baby, Blanco Filtra Flow, Blanco Filtra Fresh. Why These Filters Will Replace Your Blanco Firstly: in the bad old days water filters would come in all shapes and sizes. The aim was to force customers to return to particular manufacturers. However in recent years there has been a growing move to standardise the sizes of filter cartridges. Now about 80% of all cartridges are the “universal ten inch size”. (Note: Why they are called “ten inch” is a mystery as they are actually 9 and three quarter inches high!) Secondly: the great majority of water filters are made from carbon. And the great majority of carbon filters basically consist of burnt coconut shell. It is a question of exactly how it is moulded into the required filter shape during