Bee Happy! Honey Shampoo bar – 85g Bar – Goat Milk Soap – Ganders Goat
Made by us at Ganders farm, this is our?á goat?ámilk soap with added honey?áfrom one of our bee hives on the farm. When combined with the natural antiseptic properties of the honey Bee Happy goat milk soap is incredibly kind to sensitive skin. Perfect for any areas of inflamed skin and many skin conditions including positive results from those suffering psoriasis. Along with the honey are?áonly 4 natural ingredients including the special ingredient our own raw goats milk!?á Made with local rapeseed oil it moisturises the skin better than olive oils do. To guarantee it produces a wonderful lather Coconut oil is added. The final ingredient is Lye. A natural product that originated from wood ash, lye is used in all hard bars of soap. What is unique with goat milk soap is that this ingredient changes and combines with the goats milk to create Glycerine. A natural “food” for the skin glycerine encourages natural cell regeneration. The added bonus of the goats milk is it lowers the pH of the bar far closer to you skins natural pH. The result a full body bar, however at Ganders farm we prefer to use it as shampoo bar. Shampoo Bars We have found that the addition of the honey to our KISS soap created a great shampoo bar. A soap bar that cannot only be used all over the body but conditions the hair well as well as providing a great clean, important after a day on the farm! Better for everyone! Like all our bars it is Palm Oil free, to keep our bars free from palm oil was a decision we made at the start. You see palm oil is a major cause of?á habitat lose in certain parts of the world. But what about “sustainable” palm oil? yes its better but still not perfect. Of course that is all very well but what about plastic use? All our bars are plastic free and wrapped in fully recyclable paper outer wrap, in fact 90% of our wrap is made of paper from recycled sources.?á Our postal packets are also paper based and guess what? easily recyclable. ?á